
So I’ve seen her every 2 weeks for 3 months, man that’s a lot of pain and money!

I used all his products, iced skin, drank white tea, cut out dairy, junk food, ate healthy food, took vitamins, and drank lemon juice. (food that does not cause acne) A few treatments after, I noticed my skin was finally clearing up, I didn’t have those really red and bumpy acne on my forehead anymore. I also didn’t have those annoying cystic acne on my chin. Right  now have…NO MORE CYSTIC ACNE and NO MORE ANNOYING RED PIMPLES ON MY FOREHEAD.

My first treatment was 3 hours long, my most recent treatment about 1 1/2 hours. I now do not need to see him every 2 weeks I can see him once a month or once every 2 months. I’m pretty happy with the results.

If you decide to see him, make sure you are willing to following everything 100% and you will get the clear skin you want. Oh and Elvis is very strict and wants you to following it 100% if you don’t he’ll be mad, only because he knows what he is doing will make you have clear skin.

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